Piracy and trademark infringement in China

"Through our presence in the Chinese market with Chinese-speaking employees we are able to maintain close relationships and easy communication with the authorities and our professional colleagues."
SSAB Technology AB



SSAB is a world leader in abrasion-resistant steel

SSAB is a leading producer of high strength steel. Production takes place in Sweden and in the US. Processing and finishing of the various steel products takes place in China. SSAB has approximately 9,000 employees in 45 countries and its products are sold worldwide. Since 1999, we have been assisting SSAB strategically to maximize the value of its IP assets in the global market. One of SSAB’s most valuable IP assets is the trademark HARDOX ®, a world leading abrasion-resistant steel.

SSAB’s steel Hardox was pirated in China

During the first half of 2012 complaints about the quality of the steel were received from dissatisfied customers in China. Through extensive investigation work and laboratory analyses, it was found that the steel came from another company. The company had illegally produced and sold a low-grade abrasion-resistant steel under SSAB’s Hardox ® trademark.

Our activities resulted in a reduction of counterfeit goods on the market

Groth & Co submitted a so-called AIC-action (a simplified court procedure) to the Chinese authorities to immediately set a stop to the trademark infringement and to prevent counterfeited goods from reaching the market. This was widely reported and led to a reduction of counterfeited goods on the market.

Through our presence in the Chinese market with Chinese-speaking employees, we are able to maintain close relationships and easy communication with the authorities and our professional colleagues. This contributes to better cooperation between Europe and China.


Stefan Cahling

European Trademark and Design Attorney

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